Product Guide

by Frank Carrannante

            Product Guide – Check out Health Directory Page 130


Cinch Diet PlanThe Shaklee Product Guide has a wealth of information. Page 130 has a “health issue” checklist with easy to get to page listing.

Also find Clinical Research, and Library of Congress catalog numbers for in depth research and peer reviewed studies and published papers by Shaklee scientists. 

The Shaklee Product Guide is noteworthy for two very good reasons. First, Shaklee raises the bar of knowledge by the amount of continuing original research accomplished. Secondly, the transparency of Shaklee research helps all consumers to view and verify information, and to independently assist consumers to feel confident in Shaklee as the “go to’ company for effective, safe, and natural products. 

 The relationship with a company must be always comfortable, and may be reinforced by the fact that the average Shaklee member has stayed with Shaklee for an amazing 17.6 years (1.2 million members).

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